Page Designer

Easily customize your SAP Jam Collaboration and SAP Jam Communities sites



Product Designer


Design Concept
User Research
Product Design


The Team
1 Product Manager (based out of Vancouver, Canada)
2 UX Designers (based out of Vancouver, Canada)
20+ Developers (based out of Shanghai, China)


“I need more control over my site”


Many companies utilized SAP Jam as either an intranet or a platform to connect with their customers. Utilizing our solution meant companies wanted to have everything branded to their liking and marketing needs. However, many company administrators voiced their frustrations in the lack finite control of branding and layout of their SAP Jam Collaboration and SAP Jam Communities sites. One of the biggest issues with the editing experience was a lack of visual previews that were to be applied to their live sites.

I was assigned to identify the biggest pain points of our current administrative experience and reimagine how administrators can customize their sites with a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Provide a preview for company and area administrators similar to what group administrators have for groups.

  • Provide administrators with more control in customize their sites:

    • site-wide navigation

    • site-wide fonts

    • site-wide styles


My process

Problem Illustration



  • Initial vision

  • Strategy and planning

Discovery and Research Illustration with individual giving presentation


Discovery and Research

  • Understand the market

  • Client empathy

  • Trends analysis

  • Competitive analysis

  • Personas

Concepts and Validation Illustration with person working with sticky notes


Concepts and Validation

  • User flows

  • Ideation

  • Sketches

  • Prototype

  • Mockups

  • Design principles

  • KPIs

UI Design & Testing Illustration with two individuals video chatting via mobile


UI Design & Testing

  • User interviews

  • Synthesis of data

  • Focus and refinement

  • Accessibility review

Finalize Project Illustration with two individuals collaborating at a table


Finalize Project

  • Refinement

  • Hand-off

  • Engineering support

Post Launch Illustration with laptop on desk with mug


Post Launch

  • Receive feedback

  • Review data

  • Identify pain points and iterate