Mileage Configuration

Improve the administrative experience to be more flexible with varying country regulations.



Product Designer


Design Concept
User Research
Product Design


The Team
1 Product Manager (based out of Paris, France)
1 UX Designer (based out of Vancouver, Canada )
10+ Developers (based out of Paris, France and Walldorf, Germany)


More administrative flexibility


The following is a brief overview with respect to confidentiality.

Administrators can configure separate reimbursement rates for personal and company car mileage. With the current mileage configuration, administrators can utilize automatic rates, which is a standardized data set for mileage rates for a country. Administrators are forced to use either automatic rates or create their own mileage rates but not a mix of both. This is a frustrating design as there is no flexibility to alternate between both rates.

I was tasked to design a solution that can accommodate automatic rates, custom rates or a combination of both features.